Steering Committee: HERN leadership is provided by a Steering Committee, which oversees its governance practices and policies. The Steering Committee is led by a chair and at all times has at least one representative from each of the five founding institutions of HERN, and at least two patients/consumers. Current members of the Steering Committee include: Erika Cottrell (chair), Rachel Grob, Njeri Grevious, Mark Helfand, Sarah Knight, Nancy Pandhi, Mark Schlesinger, Kate Smith, and Barbara Warren.
Learning Network: Since its foundation in 2014, the US Health Experiences Research Network (HERN) has had a commitment to operating as a learning collaborative. The Learning Network meets bimonthly to foster the HERN community through sharing of ongoing projects and engagement in discussion about methodology. The Learning Network, open to all HERN members, is currently led by Kate Smith, Khaya Clark, and Estela Vasquez Guzman.
Qualitative Research Committee (QRC): The QRC works with each research team as they field their initial HERN modules. This committee also assures that all research teams affiliated with HERN have been trained in DIPEx methods. Current members of the QRC include Kate Smith, Erika Cottrell, Khaya Clark, Rachel Grob, Sara Knight, Nancy Pandhi, Estela Vasquez Guzman, and Emily Warne.
Digital Presence Committee: The Digital Presence Committee works to establish and maintain a digital presence for the network, focused primarily on social media and the website. The purpose of the committee is to collaborate with the HERN community and provide an open dialogue forum about establishing an inclusive and engaging digital presence. The committee is currently led by Njeri Grevious and Emily Warne.
Fundraising and Development Committee: This committee is tasked with developing a strategy for increasing HERN revenue and identifying sources of funding to sustain the network, distinct from the resources that are incorporated into the funding for each individual module. The treasurer of the Steering Committee is chair of this committee; Mark Schlesinger currently serves this role