Click on topic to openMethods
Ziebland, S., Sakuma-Sato, R., Grob, R., Dowrick, A., Navarro Dias de Souza, A. R., Spitale, G., & Schlesinger, M. (2024). Cross country analysis of qualitative interviews: Developing a method, a community and an understanding of how Covid has been experienced around the globe. SSM-Qualitative Research in Health, Epub-ahead.
Davis, S., Pandhi, N., Warren, B., Grevious, N., Crowder, M., Ingersoll, H., ... & Grob, R. (2022). Developing catalyst films of health experiences: an analysis of a robust multi-stakeholder involvement journey. Research Involvement and Engagement, 8(1), 34.
Nugent, S. M., Cottrell, E., Knight, S. J., & Helfand, M. (2022). Health experiences research as a resource and mechanism for veteran engagement in VA healthcare research and care delivery. Journal of general internal medicine, 37(Suppl 1), 118-122.
Christensen, V., Parker, K., & Cottrell, E. (2021). Leveraging a qualitative data repository to integrate patient and caregiver perspectives into clinical research. Journal of Clinical and Translational Science, 5(1), e155.
Grob, R., & Evered, J. (2020). What is emerging for qualitative research in the COVID-19 emergency? A rejoinder to ‘Collecting qualitative data during a pandemic’by David Silverman. Communication and Medicine, 17(1), 85-87.
Pandhi, N., Gaines, M., Deci, D., Schlesinger, M., Culp, C., Karp, Z., & Grob, R. (2020). Broadening medical students’ exposure to the range of illness experiences: a pilot curriculum focused on depression education. Academic Medicine, 95(1), 72-76.
Ziebland, S., Grob, R., & Schlesinger, M. (2021). Polyphonic perspectives on health and care: reflections from two decades of the DIPEx project. Journal of health services research & policy, 26(2), 133-140.
Joan, S. A., Cottrell, E., Saxton, L., Newman, L., Gebhardt, E., & Helfand, M. (2015). Patient narratives representing patient voices to inform research: a pilot qualitative study. Studies in health technology and informatics, 208, 55.
Pediatric Cancer
Beeler, D., Christensen, V., Parker, K., & Cottrell, E. (2023). “The place it puts us in emotionally and relationally with our child, it’s damaging”: understanding the real-world psychosocial needs of caregivers of childhood cancer survivors. Journal of Cancer Survivorship, 1-11.
Parker, K., Christensen, V., Lindemulder, S., Chan, L. H. K., Saxton, L., & Cottrell, E. (2023). Family perspectives on the transition from active treatment to survivorship for children with cancer. Pediatric Blood & Cancer, 70(10), e30490.
Christensen, V., Parker, K., Chan, L. H. K., Saxton, L., & Cottrell, E. (2023). ‘Never once was I thinking the c‐word’: Parent perspectives on the facilitators and barriers to getting a childhood cancer diagnosis. Journal of clinical nursing, 32(13-14), 3981-3994.
Young Adult Depression
Grob, R., Schlesinger, M., Wise, M., & Pandhi, N. (2020). Stumbling into adulthood: Learning from depression while growing up. Qualitative Health Research, 30(9), 1392-1408.
Grob, R., Van Gorp, S., & Evered, J. A. (2023). “You have to trust yourself”: The Overlooked Role of Self‐Trust in Coping with Chronic Illness. Hastings Center Report, 53, S39-S45.Evered, J. A., LaJeunesse, A., Wynn, M., Mrig, E., Schlesinger, M., & Grob, R. (2023). Gaps in benefits, awareness, and comprehension that leave those with long COVID vulnerable. Chronic Illness, 17423953231210117.
Evered, J. A., Castellanos, M. E., Dowrick, A., Germani, A. C. C. G., Rai, T., de Souza, A. N., ... & Grob, R. (2023). Talking about inequities: A comparative analysis of COVID-19 narratives in the UK, US, and Brazil. SSM-Qualitative Research in Health, 3, 100277.
Qureshi, K., Evered, J. A., Toyomoto, R., Urbanowicz, A., Sawada, A., Smith, L., ... & Rai, T. (2023). Covid-19 trouble at work: A comparative qualitative analysis of disclosure, sickness absence and return-to-work in the UK, the USA, Australia and Japan. SSM-Qualitative Research in Health, 4, 100307.
Dowrick, A., Grob, R., Sawada, A., Thier, A., Holmberg, C., & Sato, R. S. (2023). Navigating responsible bio-political citizenship: Cross-country comparison of stigma in Covid-19 illness narratives in Germany, Japan, the UK and the USA. SSM-Qualitative Research in Health, 4, 100291.
Dowrick, A., Evered, J. A., de Souza, A. N. D., Thier, A., Conceição, M. I. G., Holmberg, C., & Mahtani-Chugani, V. (2023). Sharing uncertainty: Comparing patient narratives of help-seeking in the first year of the Covid-19 pandemic across the UK, USA, Brazil, Germany and Spain. SSM-Qualitative Research in Health, 4, 100306.
Maclean, A., Hunt, K., Brown, A., Evered, J. A., Dowrick, A., Fokkens, A., ... & Wild, C. (2023). Negotiation of collective and individual candidacy for long Covid healthcare in the early phases of the Covid-19 pandemic: Validated, diverted and rejected candidacy. SSM-Qualitative Research in Health, 3, 100207.
Gulf War
Lafferty, M., Winchell, K., Cottrell, E., Knight, S., & Nugent, S. M. (2023). Women of the Gulf War: understanding their military and health experiences over 30 years. Military medicine, 188(9-10), 3191-3198.
Cancer Risk that Runs in Families
Smith, K. C., Schlesinger, M., Warne, E., Wise, M., & Grob, R. (2023). The familial canopy as thought space for meaning making, emotional calibration and planful action around inherited cancer risk. SSM-Qualitative Research in Health, 3, 100282.
Click on topic to openMethods
Evered, J., Grob, R. (2023, October 4). Catalyst Films: A New Patient-Centered Translational Research Tool. ICTR Pilot Awards, Madison, WI.
Evered., J., Patrick, B., Maske, C., Grob, R. (2023, September 19). Adapting Catalyst Film Methodology in the U.S.: Learnings From a Film About Smoking and Cancer. Dipex Collaborative Meeting, Czech Republic.
Templeton A, Krancari M, Prescott T, Cottrell E. (2022, November). Enhancing patient engagement infrastructure to recruit maximum variation samples for health experiences research. North American Primary Care Research Group, Annual Meeting.
Cottrell, E., Varnum, M., Christensen, V., Prescott, T., Krancari, M., Tarlow, L., Templeton, A. (2022, September 20). Leveraging health experiences research to amplify patient and caregiver voices [poster presentation]. Oregon Public Health Association Annual Conference, Corvallis, OR.
Grob, R., Evered, JA., Wynn, M. (2022, September 20). From Patient voice to patients’ voices: A resource for health advocates. National Patient Advocate Foundation Meeting, Virtual.
Templeton A, Cottrell E, Prescott T, and Krancari M. (2022, June). The widest range of stories – engagement for inclusive patient experience research in community health center settings. North American Primary Care Research Group, Practice-Based Research Network Conference.
Grob, R., Evered, J.A. (2022, July 12). Learning from patients: Disseminating and implementing health experiences research using catalyst films. Institute of Clinical and Translational Research Community-Academic Partnerships All Faculty/Staff Meeting, Madison, WI.
Cottrell, E. (2022, January). Amplifying Patient Voices: An innovative approach for understanding and disseminating patient health experiences. Oregon Clinical and Translational Research Institute Research Forum, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, OR.
Grob, R., Lavie-Ajayi, M. (2019, November 20). Maximum variation sampling and saturation: A conversation. DIPEx International Meeting, Oxfordshire, UK.
Grob, R., Pandhi, N., Cotrell, E., Grevious, N., Helfand, M., Knight, S., Schlesinger, M., Smith, K., Warren, B. (2019, October 14). Understanding diverse health experiences to inform education, intervention planning and quality improvement. WONCA World Rural Health Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Cottrell, E. (2019, October). Understanding Patient Health Experiences: An evidence-based approach [panel presentation]. Society for Medical Decision-Making Annual Meeting, Portland, OR.
Cottrell, E., Parker, K., Christensen, V., Prescott, T., Krancari, M., Tarlow, L., Foley, P., Grob, R. Pandhi, N., Ellison, D., Morris, C. (2019, September 27). Leveraging health experiences research to amplify patient and caregiver voices in clinical and translational research [poster presentation]. Clinical and Translational Science Award Program Meeting, Washington, DC.
Grob, R., Cottrell, E., Parker, K., Christensen, V., Prescott, T., Krancari, M., Saxton, L., Foley, P., Pandhi, N., Ellison, D. (2019, September 27). Oregon Clinical & Translational Research Institute’s Optional Function: Leveraging health experiences research to amplify patient and caregiver voices in clinical and translational research. Oregon Clinical and Translational Research Institute Annual Meeting.
Grob, R., Pandhi, N., Cottrell, E. (2019, July 21). Introduction to the DIPEx methodology and the health experiences research network. Community Engagement Broker’s Webinar, Virtual.
Cottrell, E. (2019, May). Elevating patient voices: Using the DIPEx methodology to augment patient engagement and enhance our understanding of patient experiences. Keynote address; Knight Cancer Institute Community Partnership Programs Grantee Conference, Sunriver, OR.
Grob, R., Gaines, M. (2019, March 25). Learning from the source: Patients as teachers. American Medical Association Webinar, Virtual.
Grob, R. (2019, March 22). Learning from narratives. Seminário Internacional Narrativas em Saúde. International Seminar on Health Narratives, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Grob, R., Schlesinger, M. (2018, November 5). Lost in translation? Bringing patient experience to the worlds of practice, policy and public awareness. New Directions in Qualitative Health Research Symposium, University Medical Center Groningen, Netherlands.
Grob, R. (2018, October 11). New methods for eliciting patient narratives. What Patients Say: Improving Quality, Safety and the Patient Experience Using Patient Comments, Chicago, IL.
Cottrell E. (2018). Leveraging health experiences research to enhance patient engagement in clinical & translational research. OCTRI Lunch & Learn, Portland, OR.
Grob, R., Pandhi, N. (2017, November 17-21). A pilot curriculum developed from health experiences research: impact on third-year medical students. North American Primary Care Research Group 45th Annual Meeting, Montreal, Quebec.
Grob, R., Smith, K., Cottrell, E., Helfand, M. (2017, October 22). Adapting DIPEx to the U.S. and VA. Society for Medical Decision Making and VA Health Services Research and Development Service’s Health Experiences Research Course [panel discussion]. Pittsburgh, PA.
Grob, R. (2017, February 7). Giving patients’ experiences their due: an innovative methodology for the USA. The Hastings Center, Lunchtime Series, Garrison, NY.
Grob, R. (2016, December 7). Learning from patients’ experiences for better culture, health, and care. National Academy of Medicine’s Leadership Consortium for a Value & Science-Driven Health System: Care, Culture, and Decision-Making Innovation Collaborative, Washington, DC.
Grob, R. (2016, December 5). The singular importance of plural voices: a roadmap. The Hastings Center, Lunchtime Series, Garrison, NY.
Grob, R. (2016, November 13). From patient voice to patients’ voices: Incorporating patient experiences to enhance medical education. DIPEx International Steering Committee Group.
Grob, R. (2016, November 12). The singular importance of plural voices. International Conference on Narratives of Health and Illness, Tenerife, Spain.
Grob, R., Cottrell, E. (2016, July 13). Leveraging health experiences research to enhance veteran engagement in research. Veterans Affairs Health Services Research & Development Cyberseminar, Virtual.
Cottrell, E., Krancari, M., Dunne, MJ, Chang-Weir, R., Li, V. Elevating patient voices: Conducting and disseminating health experiences research in a community health center research network [poster presentation]. 2016 North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Meeting, Colorado Springs, CO; 2017 National Association of Community Health Centers - Community Health Institute, San Diego, CA; 2017 North American Primary Care Research Group, Montreal, Canada.[1]
Grob, R. (2015, November 13). Patients’ voices in on-line curriculum: The virtues of the virtual, the relevance of the real. 2nd International Conference: Where’s the Patient’s Voice in Health Professional Education – 10 Years On, Vancouver, Canada.
Grob, R., Pandhi, N. (2015, October 23). Elevating the patient voice for patients, clinicians, and policy. Whole Me, Whole We Conference, University of Wisconsin Department of Family Medicine, Madison, WI.
Grob, R. (2015, October 5-8). Ongoing data analysis for DIPEx Projects. International Training for Database of Patient Experience (DIPEx) methodology. McGill University and St. Mary’s Hospital, Montreal, Canada.
Cottrell, E., Ash, J., Saxton, L., Floyd, N., Helfand, M. (2015, July). The feasibility and effectiveness of creating a library of patient narratives to inform patient-centered research and practice in VA [poster presentation]. VA HSR&D conference, Philadelphia, PA.
Cottrell, E. (2015, March). Launching a database of individual patient experiences (DIPEx) chapter in the US. OHSU Department of Family Medicine Research & Scholarship, Portland, OR.
Grob, R., Pandhi, N. (2015). A database of patient experience: Moving beyond anecdote. World Congress of Psycho-Oncology and Psychosocial Academy Workshops, Washington, DC.
Grob, R. (2015) Using qualitative research to understand and inform public representation of patient experiences. Department of Family Medicine, University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Medicine and Public Health, Madison, WI.
Pediatric Cancer
Chan, La K., Parker, K., Christensen, V., Tarlow, L., Cottrell, E. (2020, May). Mental health of families during childhood cancer treatment and survivorship [poster presentation]. Pediatric Academic Society Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
Parker K, Lindemulder S, Christensen V, Chan La K, Tarlow L, Cottrell EK. (2019, September). Understanding the Family experience of surviving childhood cancer [poster presentation]. Children’s Oncology Group National Meeting, Bethesda, MD.
Evered, J., Davis, S., Patrick, B., Maske, C., Schrager, S., Park, L., Henningfield, M., Yuroff, A., Grob, R. (2024, January 19). Learning from patients and communities about long COVID: A pilot intervention in primary care [poster presentation]. Institute for Clinical and Translational Research Day, University of Wisconsin Madison, Madison, WI.
Grob, R. (2022, December 7). Learning about long COVID from patients: the power of narrative evidence. University of Cambridge Population Health Sciences Bradford Hill Seminar Series, Colorado Springs, CO, Virtual.
Grob, R., Evered, J.A., Wynn, M. (2022, May 23-25). Long COVID in the USA: Actionable insights for health care providers. Database of Individual Patient Experience International Meeting, Weggis, Switzerland.
Grob, R., Wynn, M., Evered, J. (2022, May). Long COVID in the USA: Actionable insights for healthcare providers. DIPEx International Annual Meeting, Weggis, Switzerland.
Grob, R. (2022, April). From bedside to bench: Learning from COVID-19 patient experiences. UNM Clinical & Translational Sciences Center, Virtual.
Grob, R., Wynn, M., Evered, J. (2022, March). Long Covid insights and implications for primary care. DFMCH Primary Care Conference, Virtual.
Grob, R., Schrager, S., Evered, J. (2022). Patients’ Experiences with long COVID: Insights and implications for primary care. Department of Family Medicine and Community Health Forum.
Young Adult Depression
Grob, R. (2018, October 16). Health experiences 360: Multiple uses of a web-based resource to bring patients’ voices on depression to health care. Wisconsin Collaborative for Healthcare Quality (WCHQ), Madison, WI.
Grob, R. (2018, September 18). Health experiences 360: Multiple uses of a web-based resource to bring patients’ voices on depression to health care. Access, Quality, and Outcomes Research Network, Madison, WI.
Grob, R., Pandhi, N., Grievous, N. (2017, May 16). Young adults’ diverse depression narratives: a new resource for improving campus mental health. JED Foundation Webinars for Campus Program Leaders.
Grob, R., Pandhi, N., Wise, M., Schlesinger, M., Holloway, M., Wietfeldt, M., Hanson, L. (2016, November 13). Launching a website of US patient experiences with a module about young adults with depression [poster presentation]. National American Primary Care Research Group Conference, Colorado Springs, CO.
Breast Cancer
Grob, R., Wynn, M. (2022, May). From patient voice to patient voices: A resource for breast cancer advocates. Breast Cancer Research Advocates Network, Carbone Cancer Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Virtual.
Smith, K., Connor, A., Matchette, A., Fasaye, G., May, B., McCollough, M., Warne, E., Roth, J., Visvanathan, K. (2023). Developing a Patient-Centered Video Intervention to Improve Uptake of Genetic Testing for Cancer Among Black Americans: The Stakeholder’s Perspective [poster presentation]. San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, Virtual.
Grob, R. (2020, September 25). Watching science evolve from the front row: Patients’ diverse experiences with cancer risk and genomics. Wisconsin Genetics Exchange, Madison, WI.
Grob, R. (2019, May 15). What patients are saying about cancer, genetics, and genomics. National Patient Advocate Foundation Policy Forum.
Grob, R. (2017, February 27). Moving from voice to voices: Capturing diverse patient perspectives on WGS. Sequencing Newborns: Ethics & Policy Meeting #3, San Francisco, CA.
Firearm Injury
Lafferty, M. (2023, November 1-3). Unintentional Firearm Injuries among Veterans: A Mixed-Methods Approach to Understand Frequency and Context. 2023 National Research Conference for the Prevention of Firearm-Related Harms, Chicago, IL.
Cottrell, E. (2023, April 17-19). Elevating Veterans’ Voices: An Innovative Approach for Understanding Veterans’ Experiences with Firearm Injuries. Society for Advancement of Violence and Injury Research Conference, Denver, CO.
Gulf War Illness
Winchell, K., Nugent, S., Knight, S., Passey, D., Tilley, E., Helfand, M., Lafferty, M. (2022, October). How do you get care for something people don’t understand?: Care navigation in Veterans with Gulf War Illness [poster presentation]. Society for Medical Decision-Making Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA.
Grob, R. (2023, November 3). Trust’s Tributaries: Patients’ and Families’ Experiences on the Waterways. Who Do You Trust? Shifting Trust in Healthcare Fall Ethics Conference, Virtual,
Grob, R., Evered J., Wynn, M., Patrick, B., Al-Rayyan, Y. (2023, April 19). Including patient voices to better understand research engagement: A resource for community-engaged researchers. ICTR CAP All Faculty/Staff Meeting, Virtual.
Grob, R. (2022, November 17). Identity and the health care experience. 2022 National Patient Advocate Foundation Consortium, Virtual.
Grob, R. (2022, October). Long COVID: Minding the gap between infectious disease and chronic condition. The Global Health Network: Epidemic Ethics 2022 Seminar, Virtual.
Davis, S., Pandhi, N., Crowder, M., Grevious, N., Ingersoll, H., Warren, B., Perry, E., Sussman, A., Grob, R.(2020). Catalyst Films about health experiences guidebook. Center for Patient Partnerships, University of Wisconsin-Madison, University of New Mexico School of Medicine, Family & Community Medicine, UW-Madison Institute for Clinical & Translational Research, Health Experiences Research Network, and the UW Health Innovation Program. Available at:
Davis, S., Grob, R., Culp, C., Gaines, JR., Pandhi, N. (2018). Engaging research participants in disseminating health experiences research. The Center for Patient Partnerships, the University of Wisconsin – Madison Department of Family Medicine and Community Health, the UW Institute for Clinical and Translational Research, and the UW Health Innovation Program. Madison, WI. Available at:
Grob, R. Schlesinger, M. (2016, November 12). Patient narratives and the unvoiced other: The centrality of pets in the lives of people with chronic illness. International Conference on Narratives of Health and Illness, Tenerife, Spain.